Can't believe my sweet little girl is already four months old! We went to the doctor this morning and she is growing like a weed! =)
Weight: 13 pounds 2 ounces
Height: 26 1/2 inches
At SIX months Hannah was an inch shorter and only 10 ounces heavier. Think she may out grow big sister! Glad Abigail is doing so well though. She got two shots today and will get the other two next month. Thankful my doctor lets me break them up.
Abigail continues to be more and more interactive. She gives LOTS of smiles and is starting to laugh (if we can amuse her). She has been sleeping 10 hours at night for the last 6 weeks. She will take 3 good naps during the day and usually a short nap around our dinner time.
Her newest trick is rolling from her tummy to her back. She is a pretty happy baby, but definitely LOVES to snuggle and be held. She enjoys watching Hannah play and is starting to reach for objects. Abigail has also discovered her feet. She can't get them in her mouth yet, but she enjoys watching them. =)
This month's photo was much harder to get. Abigail kept falling over, or eating her fingers, or eating her dress. We weren't intending to get Hannah in the photo too, but she climbed up, sat still, and said "Take my picture with monkey and Abigail." She is not usually that cooperative...guess it has to be HER idea. =)