Monday, September 14, 2009

It's a .....


I had another level 2 sonogram today and we found out that we're having a little girl! Nathan still wanted to be surprised, but was tired of being constantly harassed so he gave in and let me find out. =) Thanks honey!!

The doctor says everything looks great. She was specifically looking at the heart and kidneys and said they both look beautiful. The heart rate was a strong 165. Apparently we have a big girl; she weights 2 lbs 8 oz (in the 85 percentile for weight). According to that, I'm measuring a week ahead of my due date. They won't change the date it just means she might come early. Hopefully she doesn't grow too big (until she leaves my tummy), I'd rather not push out a 9 -10 pound baby.

Here's the latest photo. If you look closely you can see she's sticking out her tongue ( just like daddy does)! =)

Thanks for stopping by to read. I don't have any more sonograms scheduled, but my next check up is in October.

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