Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Eight Months

Yet another month has flown by. Here's what we've been up to...

We've done lots of swimming at Grammy and G-Pa's, of course who doesn't want to be in the pool when it's almost 100 or above outside. Hannah is doing really well in the water. She likes to splash, ride in her ducky boat (a present from Grammy) and I've actually dunked her twice. That always surprises her, but she hasn't cried. =) We even invited several mommy friends and their little ones to come swimming. It was lots of fun! Here's Hannah and her friend Pete checking each other out.

My grandma also came to visit for a few days. She lives in Arizona so this was her first time meet Hannah. We enjoyed spending time with her and hope to see her again soon. We made sure to take a four generation photo while GG was here.

Hannah is still not crawling yet, but she does enjoy scooting around on the floor. She's really good at going in a circle and backwards. She REALLY wants to go forward and gets frustrated when she can't. We've tried lots of new food in the last month too: peas, green beans, carrots, pears, bananas, avocados, yogurt, and we'll try peaches this week. She's enjoying everything she tries and I'm still liking making baby food.

Hannah has 2 bottom teeth that are big enough to see when she smiles. And I think she's working on another one because she hasn't quite been herself for the last week. We head back to the doctor in 3 weeks for another check up (and more shots). Stay tuned for the latest stats.

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