Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Twelve Months

We went to the doctor this morning so I'll start with the latest stats.

Weight - 15 lb 9 oz
Height - 28 1/4 inches

If you look back at the nine month blog post you'll notice Hannah has actually lost 2 oz. The doctors weren't overly concerned. Once babies start crawling they burn more calories. So they said to try and get Hannah to eat more at each meal, introduce whole milk, and we go back for a weight check in January. Hannah does enjoy eating so hopefully we can quickly and easily gain what she needs to. The doctor was pleased to see that Hannah is hitting all her developmental milestones (crawling and babbling).

We put up our Christmas tree after Thanksgiving and I was a little worried Hannah would try to pull up on it or yank ornaments off. So I only put soft nonbreakable things within her reach. I am happy to say that she's been a very good girl. She just sat and looked at the tree for almost a week before she did anything. Now she will very gently touch the branches or the ornaments. We have a dancing musical Santa and Rudolph that we put out every year. Hannah absolutely LOVES them. She dances and waves her arms. She knows they play music and will touch and pull on them, but hasn't figured out the on button yet.

Here's the 12 month monkey photo. Monkey is going into retirement, but will return every year for a birthday photo. We are stopping just in time...this month was quite an adventure. Hannah was NOT interesting in sitting next to monkey. As you can see, she clearly had other places to go. =)

This last week was SUPER busy so we haven't actually celebrated Hannah's birthday yet. Grammy, G-Pa, and Auntie Kara are coming over Saturday for a small party. We'll do cupcakes and presents. A friend of mine made her the cutest outfit to wear. We'll take lots of pictures and I'll do a special birthday post next week.

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