Saturday, February 12, 2011

Fourteen Months

Hannah is at such a fun age. It seems like she's learning something new all the time. She is developing quite the personality. =) She finally figured out how to pull up, but isn't cruising yet. She'll take a few steps if she's really motivated to get something though. Once she started pulling up it took her about 2 weeks to figure out how to get back down. She is a super speedy crawler and now ventures into other rooms. Thankfully she usually stays in the room we are in, but will follow us if we leave.

Hannah also said her first word about a week ago..."uh oh." She enjoys dropping and knocking things over so she can show off her word. She says "ma ma ma" all the time, but hasn't connected it to me yet. In fact she seems to think I'm just a fixture that is always there. =) Of course, she asks for Nathan (via sign language) multiple times a day. Already a daddy's girl!

Speaking of sign language. She has caught on very well and learns a few new signs every week. She doesn't always to the sign correctly due to limited fine motor skills. But once she learns her version of a sign, she is consistent in the way she does them. Here's a list of what she knows: bye bye, more, all done, milk, water, cheerios, light, fish, monkey, daddy, play, please, thank you, doll, bear, cat, and I love you. Here's a photo of her flashing Grammy an "I love you." This is by far my favorite sign, she will respond if you say I love you to her, but also does it spontaneously. SO SWEET!

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