Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sixteen Months

I thought I'd start off this post with a few funny stories. Hannah has always enjoyed eating yogurt (organic Yo-Baby). Once she learned the sign for "baby" she would point to the picture of the baby on the yogurt container and sign "baby." A few weeks ago she was having yogurt for dinner and we weren't feeding her fast enough. So she signed "please" and we said please what. Then she signed "please more baby." Apparently since there is a baby on the container of yogurt that must be what she's eating. =) We've tried to tell her that she's EATING yogurt even though there is a PICTURE of a baby. Sill girl! Nathan thinks it's hilarious and wants to encourage her "cannibalistic" behavior.

Hannah can tell you that a dog says "oof" and a monkey says "ah ah". However if you ask her what the cat says she will make a purring noise instead of "meow." We were playing with her stuffed cat and I made meowing noises and then I put it on her lap and pet the cat's head. Then I told her when kitties are happy they purr and made purring noises. She does know that a cat meows because if she hears that sound she will sign "cat"...and then make purring noises. =)

We're continuing to work on identifying body parts. Hannah's known head, foot, tummy, ear, and nose for months. She finally figured out where her eyes are this week. Although she has a hard time pointing without poking herself in the eye! She can also find those same body parts on her stuffed toys too. She LOVES to look at pictures of herself (and other family). Most of the time she can point to all the people in our family.

Still not walking and no new verbal words. Here's the new signs she learned: sheep, bird, turtle, bug, mouse, bath, caterpillar, elephant, train, pig, and ice cream. She continues to babble and cruise around the furniture. She is getting more confident in her assisted walking, she's just not ready to let go yet.

Can't post and not include pictures! Here's a few of my recent favorites:

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