Friday, August 12, 2011

Twenty Months

Hannah is talking more and more every day. We still teach her the occasional sign, but we are mostly focusing on words now. We will ask her to say certain words and she just looks at us. Then we play and she randomly say things I had know idea she knew. Little turkey! Here's the new things she has said this month: Hannah, hop, hug, hat wow, ad, bow, knee, ear, eye, head, help, hair, arm, off, on, ebow (elbow), ing ing (chimes), ulla (umbrella), emo (Elmo), nom nom (Cookie Monster), ta (tag), ho (hole), ip (lip).

We have been praying with Hannah before meals for months now. She has started putting her hands under her chin when we say it's time to pray. If we ask her who to pray for she will usually include family: momma, dadda, Hannah, baby, etc, and sometimes things like stars, sun, and kitty. It is SO sweet!

Hannah has 3 molars and is working on the 4th. That will bring her tooth total up to 12. This last molar is being really stubborn. Her gum is all red and swollen and she's had a runny nose and slight fever. Poor thing! Overall she is a really happy girl and loves to play, sing, and read. Such a sweetheart!!

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