Monday, April 8, 2013

Fifteen Months

I wish I could understand everything Abigail says because she is ALWAYS talking.  These are the words I can recognize:  bib, milk, car, yump (jump), anna (Hannah), shoe, ahh rii (all right), dank oo (thank you).  She loves to say this when she brings things to you or if you give her something.  She also says "wock"  when she wants to rock in the rocking chair.  Hannah never requested this, but Abigail LOVED to rock as a baby so I'm not surprised.

 She is officially walking!!  She will crawl up or down a step, but then get right back up and walk.  She is getting faster and stumbles less. The biggest hindrance to her balance is that she tries to carry a toy in each hand while walking.  She did the same with crawling too, and managed to get very speedy.  She is so funny to watch. This picture was taken before Abigail took off walking, but it's still cute.  She LOVES this car...and by the way Hannah was afraid of it until she was two.

I posted a couple months ago about Abigail not wanting to share.  She has TOTALLY mastered saying please if she wants something.  Most of the time that's great.  However, she thinks it's a magic word and because she said it she should immediately get what she wants.  Sorry Abigail you can't play with the phone or the humidifier, etc, just because you said please.  =)  And we're still working on waiting her turn if Hannah is playing with something.

Abigail seems to have a love for books just like Hannah.  YEAH!!  She actually turns the pages and looks at the pictures now instead of just trying to eat the book.  =)  Still not interested in hearing the words read yet, but I know it will come.  And check out the adorable monkey hats my cousin got the girls for their birthdays!


Went to the doctor this morning so here's the latest stats:  20 lbs and 31 1/2 inches long. 

Long and lean as expected.  The doctor said she looks great! Abigail got 3 shots today, but calmed down fairly quickly.  Poor child still has only 2 teeth.  Her top gums are slightly swollen and she had a runny nose and cough for a week, but nothing broke through.

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