Thursday, July 11, 2013


Hannah is having the best time swimming this summer.  She was so hesitant last year in her floaties that she didn't get the hang of things until the very end of the summer.  This year she picked up right where she left off.  She will kick her legs and "swim" from the steps to the opposite side of the shallow end.  I am so proud of her.  We also signed her up for swim lessons and those start next week.  Hopefully she'll be even more confident in the water.

We're still having issues with nap/bed time.  Some days are great, but most days it's a struggle.  She's really really good about staying in her room.  But she wants to get on the floor and play, sing, and talk by the door.  If she lays in bed quietly she will fall asleep.  Started a new sticker chart reward system a few weeks ago.  She's earned a few stickers, but not rewards yet. 

I know I've written before about Hannah's imaginary friend named Bunny.  She still plays with him (or her depending on the day) often.  Recently she has started "playing" with various characters from books or TV (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse) too.  And she tells me about her doggies and talking lawn mower.  Definitely not lacking in the imagination department. LOL!  :-)

Hannah was looking at a teaching magazine that came in the mail the other day and noticed the page of animal letter crafts.  She showed them to me and then said "Mommy B says bu."  I told her that was correct and then asked Nathan if he had told her that.  He had not and neither had I.  We talked about how R says "err" and some r words several months ago, but that's it.  Not really in a hurry to teach her letter sounds since she still has 2 full years before she starts Kindergarten.  I started asking Hannah what some of the other letters said and she got quite a few of them right.  And she was SO excited about learning something new.  Guess we'll be talking about letter sounds now.  She totally amazes me in her ability to pick things up.

I'll end with a few photos.  Hannah loves to play with a ball outside.  She is even starting to catch and kick the ball....if she remembers to open her eyes.  LOL!  And the last picture is a new fav.  Hannah threw her arms up like that spontaneously and my mom happened to catch it.  Love it!

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