Friday, November 8, 2013

Twenty-Two Months

Both of my girls are so verbal.  They talk WAY more than most kids their age and most of it is understandable.  They also say lots and lots of words correctly...including really big words.  Yes Abigail followed in Hannah's footsteps and says actually, she can pronounce it and use it the right way.  Because of that I treasure the few words they say incorrectly.  My favorites from Abigail are:  patakiller (caterpillar) and chicken (kitchen).

Abigail is doing much better on color recognition.  She loves to pick things up or point to them and tell me what color they are.  She is still trying to keep up with big sister.  We've enjoyed the cooler weather by spending time outside.  Lots of walks, playing with chalk, going to the park, and even a trip to the zoo.

This was Abigial's first time to play with chalk.  She watched Hannah for a minute and then said "color please." 

She had so much fun and as you can see was COVERED in chalk by the time she was finished!

We are so glad we bought a membership to the Dallas Zoo this year.  We've been 4 times now and hope to go once more in March before it's time to renew.  The girls love seeing all the animals.  We rode the monorail this time too which was fun.  The highlight of the trip was watching the elephant take a bath.  And we love the giraffes too!

Abigail was a butterfly for Halloween this year and she loved wearing her costume.  Now getting a photo in said costume was QUITE a challenge.  If you bring heroutside she immediately thinks we're going to take a walk and she cries, throws a fit, and refuses to stand still.  First try, this is all we got.

A week later, we did finally get a picture of her sitting on a tree stump.

Both girls enjoyed Trunk or Treat at church as well as walking around the block and trick-or-treating.  We only went to about 10 houses, but they had fun!  Nathan and I love to dress up as well and the girls got a big kick out of our costume.  HUGE thanks to Nathan's aunt who made the Waldo hat.  She loves to knit!

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