Thursday, September 25, 2014

September 2014

Fall is in full swing...even if it is still hot outside.  Although we have had some cooler mornings lately and our highs haven't been 100.  I was more referring to all our activities kicking off again.  =)  Preschool choir and Bible Study have started and I decided to join MOPS (Mothers Of PreSchoolers) this year.  I am also teaching a Tiny Tots, mommy and me music class, this semester.  We are busy, but my girls are enjoying having lots to do and ask every day where we are going.

At the beginning of the month my mom told me we didn't have a "cover worthy" photo of Abigail yet for her photo memory book this year.  So on Labor Day was took Abigail by herself with THREE adults to do a mini photo session while Hannah played with G-Pa.  Abigail has very strong opinions about things and can be difficult to photograph.  We told her if she cooperated she could pick out a sticker.  She was SO VERY good and we got some ADORABLE photos.  Here's just a few of my favs.

Took a break from photos to look at the turtles swimming in the water.  Love this sweet Daddy moment!

On days we are at home I am trying to be more intentional and engaged in playing with the girls.  They are getting so good at playing together it's easy to just let them play while I work on the computer or around the house.  I still do that, but my goal is two or three days a week for about 30 minutes to work and/or play with them.  I started about a month ago and it's going really well so far.  There are TONS of cute crafts, learning games, etc. out there on the internet.  I spent time over the summer gathering info, planning, and preparing stuff.  Some weeks we focus on a specific letter, other times it's fine motor practice, sorting beads, counting pom poms or domino dots.  I'm having fun and so are the girls!!  They both love to learn and so I figure it might as well capitalize on that.  =)

One final photo...Hannah was enjoying looking out my parent's kitchen window and asked my mom to take her picture with her kitty.

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