Wednesday, December 30, 2015

December 2015

We started the month with our choir and orchestra Christmas concert.  The elementary choir always sings a few songs, so Hannah got to participate as well.  And my parents came to the concert so both girls got to listen....a first for them since Mommy and Daddy are always on stage playing.
(photo credit: David Alvey)

Poor Hannah missed a few more days of school.  Her only symptom was fever but it would not go away and lasted 4 days.  We're glad she's feeling better and didn't share her germs.

The preschool choir also did a little Christmas performance where they sang 5 songs they learned this semester.  No singing photos, because Mommy and Daddy were both busy helping since that's the choir we work with.  They were so cute and Abigail loved getting to sing on stage.  They did have a photo booth set up in the lobby.  (Photo credit to David Alvey)

I'm happy to report that Domino has been a very good boy with the Christmas tree.  I was REALLY worried that he would try and climb it, knock it over, take off all my ornaments, etc.  So glad that has not been the case.  He is very interested in the ribbon on the packages though.  =)

We have enjoyed Hannah's break from school!  We've baked goodies for neighbors, had some friends over the play, met Daddy for lunch, puppet shows at the library, and just played at home.  We also made a gingerbread house with Grammy, lots of coloring and played at the park one afternoon (when it was warm).

Last month I mentioned taking photos for our Christmas cards. We actually got quite a few good photos.  My mom does such an awesome job. These are just two of my favorites.

We also continued our tradition of taking pictures of the girls by the Christmas tree at night.  This photo session did not go as took two tries before we actually got anything good.  Once the girls were ready to cooperate we got several cute photos.  Only posting a few favs though. This is my mom's beautiful tree and living room, not mine.  =)

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