Monday, June 14, 2010

Six Months

This has been a busy month for us. Last week we drove to Arkansas for a weekend trip. We wanted to introduce Hannah to Nathan's family and friends. She did a great job riding in the car and napping in strange places. Of course, she charmed everyone she met and even shared a few smiles. =)

We also started rice cereal last week. As you can see from the picture below she wasn't sure what to make it the first day. Since then she's done really well. We're still in the exploring stage where more cereal ends up on her face and hands than in her tummy. But she's getting the hang of it.

We've had a few play dates with friends and we went to Grammy and G-Pa's for a cookout. It's been hot for several weeks now and we've been dreaming of swimming. The pool is finally warm enough so we're going to Grammy's this week to try out the water. Hopefully Hannah will enjoy splashing and floating in her chair.

We saw the doctor this morning and everything still looks great. Here's the latest stats:
Weight: 13 pounds 14 ounces
Length: 25 1/2 inches
Head: 16 1/2 inches

She's slowed down a little, but the doctor isn't concerned. Once she's really eating her cereal and starts veggies she'll catch up. She also got 3 shots today, but calmed down as soon as I picked her up. I'll post swimming pictures and her six month monkey photo soon!

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