Thursday, January 26, 2012

Three Weeks

I've had several people ask how sweet Abigail is doing so I thought I'd update. Her jaundice is almost totally gone. They checked her bilirubin again last Friday and it was down to 9.3. It's low enough now that they won't need to check it again. We went to full time nursing last week as well. Yeah for no more pumping! =) As of last week Abigail still hadn't quite gained back her birth weight so we went in this morning for a weight check. Happy to report that she is now 8 lbs 14 oz. They doctor is very pleased with how she is doing. We don't go back for another check up until early March.

Abigail really seems to like bath time. I remember Hannah crying for many of her early baths. Abigail just sits there and looks around or sucks on her fingers. This photo isn't from her first bath, but one of early ones.

Abigail is still happiest when held and snuggled. That is sometimes difficult now that Nathan is back and work and I have to take care of Hannah too. =) She has spent more time in my wrap than Hannah ever did. We are slowly figuring out a new routine. I keep telling myself that this is just a stage and it will pass soon. Until then I try to enjoy snuggling, even if it is at 2 am.

I think that's about it for now. Time to get both girls up from their naps. My mom and I are still working on newborn photos. It's much harder than you would think. We are getting some cute shots though and I will post soon!

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