Monday, February 13, 2012

Twenty Six Months

Hannah is really enjoying being a big sister. She LOVES to bring me things like the pacifier or burp cloth. If Abigail is crying she will gently pat her and say it's OK. She helps me burp her and requests to hold her from time to time. In the photo above she put her hand on Abigail's head all on her own. So sweet! She is still ever the mimic and it's fun to watch her pretend play. She rocks her toys, wraps them in blankets, puts them to sleep, burps them, tells them it's OK, and changes their diapers.

Hannah is fascinated with words right now. She knows they say things and will point and repeat "that say" over and over until you tell her what it says. We've decided to take advantage and begin teaching her letters. She now knows A,B,C,H,O, and X. We've shown her D once or twice, but she doesn't quite remember it yet. Ever the observer she finds these letters in books, on toys, our clothing, and many other places.

Hannah is finally getting some more teeth. The two canine teeth on the bottom have poked through the gums. Thankfully they weren't too painful and only bothered her a little. You can't see them in this picture, but it's still cute!

LOVE watching Hannah and Nathan play together. She LOVES her daddy. They play all sorts of silly games. She gets excited when he comes home from work and comes running around the corner to give him hugs.

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