Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Two Months

This post is a few days late, but Abigail had her doctor's appointment this morning. She is GROWING. The latest stats are: 11 pounds 5 oz and 24 1/2 inches long. She's already wearing size one diapers and has officially outgrown newborn size clothes. They just don't stay tiny for long!!

She is not the greatest napper. She will sleep, but not for more than 45 mins or an hour. When she wakes up I usually try to keep her quiet so she can at least rest. She just gets grumpy if she stays awake for too long. She is doing well at night though. For the last 2 or 3 weeks she has only been waking up once at night between 2:00 and 2:30. Then she goes back to sleep until 6:30 or 7:00. I've had an alarm set for 2:30, but have only needed to use it the last few days. The doctor said today that since she is over 10 pounds she may be ready to sleep all night. So I will be turning that alarm off!

Abigail is smiling and cooing much to our delight! She is also tracking objects and responding to sounds. We do small amounts of tummy time throughout the day. A lot of the time she is content to just lay on her tummy and rest. But eventually she gets mad and lifts her head up. =)

She got 3 of her 5 shots today. We decided to break them up so she'll get the other 2 next month. Poor baby is having a rough afternoon. I can tell she doesn't feel good. I've given her Tylenol and I'm letting her sleep on me. Once we started sleep training, she's been doing much better about sleeping in her bed, but I don't mind bending the "rules" when she doesn't feel good.

I'll leave you with a few photos.
7 weeks old in this shot.

The outtake: I think Hannah is pouting because she wanted to get down. =)

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