Monday, April 9, 2012

Three Months

Has it really been three months since my sweet girl was born? Oh how time flies!

Abigail is sleeping much much better than she was a month ago. We still have occasional not so great naps, but a HUGE improvement. She is also doing great at night. Once I stopped setting an alarm, it took about 2 weeks for her to stop waking up at night. She will now sleep for about 10 hours. That makes a happy and well rested mommy! =) She is still sleeping swaddled in blankets, but we hope to gradually transition out of them in the next month or so. Of course Hannah slept fully swaddled until 6 months and then from the waist down for another 2 months. =-) We'll see.

Abigail has always been a better and more efficient eater than Hannah was. She had no problem alternating between nursing and bottles when we were supplementing. Once her jaundice was gone we stopped using a bottle except on Sunday morning at church. Each week it became harder and harder to get her to drink her bottle. I think we've bought four different kinds and have thrown away lots of pumped milk. =( I think we found a bottle she seems to like (Playtex Nurser) and we are doing lots of practice to get her to drink it. Most of the time she doesn't cry, but isn't really interested in eating either. She seems content to chew on the nipple. Silly girl! She will eventually drink some, but it takes FOREVER. Thankfully the ladies in the nursery at church are patient with her. Practice makes perfect right?

We are still doing "tummy time" even though Abigail doesn't really seem to enjoy it. She CAN lift her head up, but only when she wants to. Check out the pictures my mom took and put together. These shots were taken seconds apart.

Abigail is continuing to engage with us more and more. Lots of smiles, especially to mommy. =) Grammy did make her laugh for the first time last week. Nathan and I think that Abigail "talks" more than Hannah did at this age. Hmm...maybe she's trying to compete with big sister who never stops talking! =)

1 comment:

Christine said...

I can't believe it's already been 3 months!