Friday, April 13, 2012

Twenty Eight Months

Hannah is becoming more and more independent.  We hear lots of "Hannah do it" and "my turn."  Still working on feeding herself with a spoon.  She does great with yogurt and oatmeal because they are a little thicker and don't fall off the spoon.  Hannah doesn't like to get dirty or  messy so this has been a challenge.  =)  She is also a  great helper and will bring me things for Abigail or throw things away for me.

We began praying with Hannah before meals about a year ago.  She would tell us who or what she wanted to pray for.  Usually family, but sometimes, flowers and toys.  A few months ago we asked her if she wanted to pray and she said yes.  Her prayer is almost always the same, but it's so sweet.  "Dear God, thank you for Daddy and Grammy.  In Jesus name Amen"  She still wants Nathan or I to pray too, so our food usually gets blessed twice.  =)  Sometimes when I go to get Hannah in the morning or after a nap she will tell me that she prayed in her bed.  I know she doesn't completely understand the concept yet, but I'm glad she's trying!!

Hannah still love letters!  She points them out on clothing, signs, books, and many other places.  She has magnetic letters to play with and likes when Nathan and I write letters.  We have only worked on identifying capital letters so far.  She knows all of them except:  N, Q, W, Y, and Z.  She still gets some of them (like I and T) confused sometimes, but if we ask her to look again she usually gets it right.  Smart girl!

My mom and I took the girls to take picture in the bluebonnets (or boo bonnets as Hannah says) a few weeks ago.  It was challenging to say the least!  Hannah and I had to practice sitting in the grass for a week before we even took the photos.  The first time I tried she had a MAJOR melt down!  Then as a typical 2 year old she didn't want to sit still for us to take pictures.  We did manage to get several cute shots.  Here's one of my favorites.

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