Hannah is such a sweet big sister. She has always given hugs, kisses, and brought Abigail toys to play with. She has recently started reading her books to Abigail. Hannah has most of her books memorized so she knows all the words. Love that she loves books. =)
I've started telling people that Hannah talks in paragraphs and not sentences. Unless she is sleeping then she is talking. Hmm.. like mother like daughter my mom would say. =) She has entire conversations with herself and her toys. Her pretend play is so fun to watch. She puts on my shoes, gets her purse and takes her toys to Target, the grocery store, and the park. She pushes them in a pretend stroller, rocks them in the rocking chair, wraps them in blankets, and feeds them.
Nathan and I think she may have an imaginary friend. His description is constantly changing so we're not sure. But she talks about bunny all the time. She tells me about things that she and bunny do together. Bunny just recently starting riding in the car with us and Hannah insists on buckling him in his imaginary car seat. It will be interesting to watch this "relationship" develop. She definitely has an imagination which is good.
It's fun to watch Hannah get more independent. As long as we are close by and she can come talk to us or ask for help ,she will play alone for quite a while. Nice for mommy! In the past she wasn't always happy about picking up certain foods or would get frustrated when feeding herself with a spoon. She now eats almost all of her food completely by herself. Although if she's picking up food, she must have a napkin to wipe her fingers. Still doesn't like to be dirty. =)
Potty training is going well. We still have occasional accidents and haven't totally mastered pooping in the potty yet. We wear big girl panties at home and have just recently started leaving the house without wearing pull ups. We have also transitioned from her little potty to the potty seat that sits on the regular toilet. I'm very proud of the progress she has made.
I know I have posted before about the CD's we listen to that are Bible verses. Hannah is singing along with more and more of the words. And she has 2 verses completely memorized: Psalm 136:1 and Matthew 12:34. She can say them to you without the music. It makes me SO happy that she is hiding the Word in her little heart!!!
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