Monday, September 17, 2012

Say a Little Prayer

We are trying to teach Hannah that you can pray anytime, not just before you eat.  We talked to her about how we can tell God about what we are thankful for and if we are sad or anything else we are feeling.  She didn't have a very long nap today so she was a little grumpy.  Then she was playing with her rocking chair and bumped her knee which eventually led to a full blowing crying melt down.  We gave her hugs and kisses and attempted to try and calm her down.  It wasn't working so we sent her to her room to cry until she was was ready to come out and be happy.  We've done this before so she cried for few minutes and then came out.  We asked her if she wanted to pray and tell God that she was sad.  So her prayer went something like this:

Dear God,
I was sad because I fell and bumped my knee.  Then I cried and had to go to my room.  Then I came out and we dried my tears.  In Jesus name I pray.  Amen


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