Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thirty Three Months

Hannah is looking and acting more and more like a big girl.  She is definitely growing up!  She has recently started helping with a few chores.  She likes to hand me pillows when I make the bed and when we empty the dishwasher she stacks the plastic bowls and puts them in the cabinet.  Nathan brought her bathroom stool over to the silverware drawer the other day and she put away all the forks and spoons too.  She thinks it's very fun!

We also converted her crib to a toddler bed a few weeks ago.  For those that don't know what a toddler bed's basically a day bed with a short rail that goes across half of the front.  Leaving an opening on the other front half so the child can climb in and out independently.  Hannah is very good about staying in her room when she is supposed to be sleeping, but we have had a few talks about not getting out of bed to play with our toys.  I don't think she realizes that we can hear her making noise even though the door is closed.  LOL!  Our biggest motivation in converting her bed was so Hannah could come out and tell us if she needed to go potty.  She will often wake up in the morning or after a nap before I go get her....usually because I am nursing Abigail.  She's so good about telling us if she needs to go potty while she's awake, but obviously couldn't come get us when she was stuck in her crib.  Even though we tell her every day she can open her door and come get us if she needs to go, she has yet to actually do it.  She will occasionally knock on her door...but that may just be part of her playing.  I'm sure she'll figure it out soon.  And I'm thankful she is good about staying in her room even if she's not sleeping so mommy still have quite time while Abigail is napping!

Since Abigail has started crawling she has become even more interested in what Hannah is doing and playing with.  For the most part Hannah is very good about sharing her toys, however she will try to give Abigail some other toy so she can play with the one she wants.  =0  Hannah is also learning to put certain toys away or put them up high where Abigail can't reach them.  She really is a sweet big sister though.  She was playing on her swing in the backyard last night and made sure we gave Abigail a turn.

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