Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Thirteen Months

Sweet Abigail is doing new things all the time, trying to imitate Hannah.  =)  If you give her a hair brush she will hold it up to her head and try to "help."  She also holds a pretend phone up to her head, near her ear
(and backwards).  If you say "hello,"  she will give you a big grin.

She's not walking yet, but I I'd call her a stander.  She pulls up and lets go, looks proud and then sits back down.  She usually pushes off of something or someone, but only with one hand.  Every once in a while she'll stand up without holding on to anything, but it's not her preferred method yet.  =)  She's tried a few new foods, but not many since she still only has one tooth.  We've had blueberries, sandwich (torn in very small pieces), Kix cereal, and peas that are not pureed.


Abigail is much more interested in talking than in signing.  She "talks" while she plays and looks at books.  Most of what she says is Abigail speak, but I will catch real words occasionally. She has started signing "milk" and will put her hands on her chest if you say "please."  Her new real words are kitty and bye bye (along with a wave).  She will also sometimes say "aaaa bi g" like she's trying to say her name.  She also knows that monkey says ah ah and cow says moo, but won't always perform if you hold one up.  =) Nathan has always given both girls bubble beards in the bathtub.  Hannah now tries to give herself or her toy beards after we finish washing her.  Abigail has now started patting her cheeks and saying "bu bu."  Super cute!

She still loves music and dances right along.  She LOVES patty cake and wants to play over and over and over.  She also likes 'If You're Happy and You Know It' and will clap, throw her hands in the air for hurray and put her hands on her face.  Really cute to watch!  And sweet Abigail ADORES her big sister.  She follows Hannah everywhere and wants to play with and do whatever Hannah does.  Love this sweet moment my mom caught!

We did finally get some sunny weather to do smash cake pictures with Abigail.  I really thought she would enjoy this because she LOVES to eat and wants to get into and touch everything.  My mom and I spent a LONG time setting up the background, got Abigail looking cute in a big bow and bloomers and set her down in front of the cake.  She eyed it suspiciously, crawled up, and grabbed a fist full of frosting.  She shook her hand and was very upset when the frosting wouldn't come off.  She tried to crawl towards me and then started crying.  I kept picking her up and putting her next to cake, but she would have nothing to do with it.  After about 15 minutes of mostly crying we gave up, threw her in the bathtub and gave her a big hug.  Got some cute pictures, though not at all what I was expecting.  And happy to report that she still plays happily and isn't afraid of my mom, the camera, or food.  Don't think we traumatized her. =0

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