Monday, March 4, 2013

Fourteen Months

It is so much fun to watch Abigail learn and discover her world.  And her personality is definitely different than Hannah.  She is MUCH more determined and not nearly as cautious.  She has no problem taking off to the back of the house to play to the toilet, or pull her night light out of the wall, etc.  Hannah only ever wanted to play in the same room as us.  Abigail not so much!

Abigail is a firm believer in the "what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine." philosophy!  She always wants whatever Hannah is playing with and will scream, cry, and lay her head on the floor in a mini fit if she doesn't get it.  Hannah is SO sweet and passive she usually just gives Abigail whatever she wants.  We are working on making Abigail say please before Hannah gives her the toy.  The other day we were listening to music and Hannah was shaking a maraca to the beat, we have two maracas so I got one for Abigail too.  Abigail shook hers for a few minutes and then tried to take Hannah's. We told Hannah not to give it to her because she already had one.  Abigail got VERY mad and we just let her throw a fit.  After about 5 minutes Hannah decided she was done so she gave her maraca to Abigail.  The crying stopped, she shook the maraca, crawled across the room to get other one.  She shook both maracas and got a really big smile on her face.  I think we may be in trouble with this one.  =)

She can say  hi, baby, bow, yeah, ah duh (all done), doh (door), ba (ball), no no (and shake her head), ni ni (night night) and she tries to say peak-a-boo and sticker.  She makes a roaring sound at the lion from the play zoo.  Hannah laid on the floor (on her back) the other day and Abigail got all excited.  She said something that sounded like "tickle" and wiggled her fingers on her own tummy.  Then she crawled over to Hannah and tried to tickle her.  She still doesn't totally get tickling another person, but she tickles herself all the time.  Funny! 

Abigail can also point to her head, her ear, and her belly.  And she recently discovered her belly button.  =)  She can "help" brush her hair and turn off the light switch if you hold her up to it.  We've recently started brushing Abigail's teeth (and gums since she only has two teeth).  Every time we go in the bathroom Abigail says "eee'' and puts her finger in her mouth like she's brushing.

Both girls have always loved music and bounce and dance when they listen.  Hannah asked me the other day to sing the Hokey Pokey.  Abigail stopped what she was playing with, got up on her knees, stuck her arms out, and moved from side to side like she as trying to turn around.  She even clapped her hands when I sang "that's what it's all about."  So adorable!

Still not walking yet, but really wants to.  She will happily stand up and sit down all day long.  If she's really motivated she'll take one or two steps, but then she sits back down and crawls.  And she LOVES to hold your finger and walk around the room.  She's just not quite secure enough to let go and do it by herself.  Just in the last few days she has just started taking more steps.  Yeah!

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