I mentioned in my last post that Abigail can be very quiet in public. She is the opposite at home. She talks, laughs, and sings all the time. She has recently starting doing a very shrill squeally laughter and yelling things. Hoping that is just a phase because it is LOUD. We're trying to teach her about using an "inside voice." =)
It is very hard to get photos of little miss. At this age Hannah wasn't quite as mobile and not NEARLY as strong willed. We've pretty much resorted to capturing Abigail in the moment, because she does not sit still long. She happened to sit for a minute next to Hannah on my parent's front porch stoop. Thank goodness for editing software with the ability to crop in for a close up. I do love all the colors in her eyes!
We gave Abagail a bag and let her pick up leaves from the yard. She was happy as longs as she was walking. I think she's actually saying "down please" in this photo. LOL!
My mom bought this hat for Hannah when she was about a year old, in hopes of photographing her wearing a frilly diaper cover, long necklace and the hat. Hannah screamed and cried every time we put it on her head so it never happened. My mom grabbed the hat a few weeks ago to see if it still fit on Abigail's head. Not really...however, she had SO much fun playing with it. She gave all sorts of flirty smiles and took it on and off several times.
Keep forgetting to mention Abigial's teeth. She is FINALLY getting more. Two of the 4 one year molars are in and the other two are half way in. The bottom teeth on either side of the front bottom two have also broken through the gums. They aren't fully in yet so they don't show up in pictures yet. Thankfully she's been pretty happy even though all 6 teeth were trying come in at the same time.
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