Friday, August 28, 2015

First Day of Kindergarten

I still can't believe sweet Hannah is in Kindergarten.  She's grown up so much in the last 5 years, but she'll always be my baby girl!

I knew I wanted two different styles of school photos and my mom was kind enough to take them for me.  I am so so thankful for all the pictures she takes and the many hours she spends editing them.  So many precious memories I can look back on.  These first pictures are from our vintage school photo shoot.  My mom has an awesome friend that let us borrow all her antique things.  I think we ended up with almost 30 pictures, but here's just a few of my favorites!

I also wanted more traditional pictures of Hannah at her school and with her backpack. The first day of school is CRAZY!!!!  Lots and lots of parents and rushed for time, so we cheated and took them early.  We went up to school the week before and told Hannah this was pretend first day of school. LOVE how these turned out too.

We live about a block and half away from school so it's only a 10 minute walk, much better than sitting in the crazy long carpool line. =) Nathan was able to work from home the first day so he got to walk with us too. Hannah loves her sweet teacher Mrs Beckham and she's making new friends too.  It's been a great first week!

I'm still getting used to only having one child at home.  It's much quieter!!  And I keep trying to sign up both girls for childcare at various church activities and then realize I only need to sign up one.  Abigail seems to enjoy being the only one and having Mommy to herself.  =)

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