Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Twenty Months

Abigail continues to talk more and more.  However, if you are not in our house you may not get to hear her.  She gets very quiet around other people, even around her teachers at church.  Hannah was pretty quiet when she was younger and now she will talk to just about anyone.  =)  Perhaps Abigail will outgrow that as well.

One of Abigail's favorite things to say is "all by self."  She says it to congratulate herself for doing something or if she doesn't want help.  She is also trying to count, but she doesn't quite get it yet.  She will point to things and say "3,4,5....."  The numbers are usually in order and sometimes she makes it all the way to ten. She almost always starts with 3 though.  I'm sure she'll fully catch on soon. 

A lot of my friends have very independent, active, and strong willed first children.  They hear me talk about Hannah and are amazed at her laid back personality.  Abigail has always been more active and independent than Hannah which I attribute to wanting to be like big sister.  As Abigail is getting bigger and talking more, she is not afraid to express her opinion.  She is DEFINITELY strong willed and stubborn.  Overall she is really sweet and, like and I said earlier, can be quiet and observant too.  However if she wants something or doesn't want to do something she will let you know.  She can scream for a LONG time and then just turn it off and get quiet once she's not mad.  She also likes to go stand in the corner when she cries which is funny.  Thankfully she doesn't throw fits often and they are usually at home.  My family did get to witness one last weekend.  Not pretty!!  ={

It is fun to watch her personality develop. We did a mini photo session with her for about 15 minutes.  Check out all the faces!

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