Wednesday, December 16, 2009

First Day at Home

Yesterday after lunch we were discharged from the hospital. Hannah did a great job in her car seat. Grammy and Aunt Kara came up for a few hours and took some photos. They also helped me wash and dry my hair (it's really thick and takes 30 mins to do). Hannah seemed to do pretty well being at home versus the hospital. We were glad we had two sizes of blanket to double swaddle her in. She REALLY likes to be wrapped up tight. I call it a "little Hannah burrito!" She slept in her crib and not the pack and play. Our house isn't that big so the nursery shares a wall with the master bedroom and is only a few feet from the room I was sleeping in. Our bed is really high and too hard for me to get in and out of right now.

Feeding seems to be going well too. Every once in a while we'll have one that's not great, but for the most part she knows what she's doing. The hardest part is keeping her awake. We usually have to stop half way through and burp, change diaper, or something to wake her back up. Here's some photos that Nathan took last night. The big monkey was a Christmas present from Aunt Kara last year to Nathan. He LOVES monkeys! The other photo shows how tiny she is compared to her crib and you can see her "burrito" wrap. Enjoy!

Many people have asked how I am recovering. As long as I stay on the pain meds I do pretty good. I did a little too much yesterday afternoon and was REALLY hurting last night. Today I've taken it a much easier. I was encouraged to be able to do night time feeding independently. I still have a hard time getting in and out of chairs especially with Hannah in my arms. The rocker in her nursery works really well though.

1 comment:

tsnutt said...

So glad to hear Hannah is doing well and that you are recovering nicely. Can't wait to meet her!