Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Still Don't Want to Sit on My Head

As of this evening I am 2 cm dilated, 60% effaced, and still have a breech baby. She was not in a cooperative mood. They tried for about 30 minutes to get her to flip over and she would have none of it. Her behind is apparently wedged into my cervix where her head should be. After 2 hours of monitoring they finally let us go home. It has been a LONG day!

So, the plan is a C-section on Dec 15. They will check me when I come in to see if she has flipped over, in which case they'll just induce normal labor since it's the day before my due date. If I should go into labor on my own before then, they will check her at the hospital and if she's still breech do a C-section then. We will keep you posted on any developments. I go in for another check up next Tuesday afternoon and should have more details about the C-section.

Thanks for reading and we appreciate your prayers!

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